- #000Transparent
- #010White
- #020Golden yellow
- #019Signal yellow
- #021Yellow
- #022Light yellow
- #025Brimstone yellow
- #026Purple red (gloss only)
- #312Burgundy (gloss only)
- #030Dark red
- #031Red
- #032Light red
- #047Orange red
- #036Light orange
- #035Pastel orange
- #404Purple
- #040Violet
- #043Lavender
- #042Lilac
- #041Pink
- #045Soft pink
- #562Deep sea blue
- #518Steel blue
- #050Dark blue
- #065Cobalt blue
- #049King blue
- #086Brilliant blue
- #067Blue
- #057Traffic blue
- #051Gentian blue
- #098Gentian
- #052Azure blue
- #084Sky blue
- #053Light blue
- #056Ice blue
- #066Turquoise blue
- #054Turquoise
- #055Mint
- #060Dark green
- #613Forest green
- #061Green
- #068Grass green
- #062Light green
- #064Yellow green
- #063Lime-tree green
- #080Brown
- #083Nut brown
- #081Light brown
- #082Beige
- #023Cream (gloss only)
- #070Black
- #073Dark grey
- #071Grey
- #076Telegrey
- #074Middle grey
- #072Light grey
- #090Silver grey
- #091Gold
- #092Copper
$ 1.30 CAD Sale. ORACALĀ® 651 Vinyl - 052 Azure Blue - Gloss Finish. ORACALĀ® 651 Vinyl - 052 Azure Blue - Gloss Finish. Includes 7 new Oracal 951 Premium Cast colors for a total of 103 Oracal 951 swatches plus 49 Oracal 951 Premium Cast Metallic colors. This tab also represents 79 Oracal 751 High Performance Cast swatches. Intermediate & Economy Films Intermediate and economy films include Oracal 651 Intermediate, 641 Economy and 631 Exhibition Calendered films.
Oracal Translucent Vinyl Color Chart Pdf
Colors may not be a 100% color match of actual material.