Steely & Clevie Presents Memories Rar

Steely and his staff place patient safety as the prime priority in their work. Plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery is an elective luxurious treat, and safety should be the primary force governing all decisions both surgical and nonsurgical. Steely Dan is an American rock band founded in 1971 by core members Walter Becker (guitars, bass, backing vocals) and Donald Fagen (keyboards, lead vocals). Blending elements of rock, jazz, Latin music, R&B, blues and sophisticated studio production with cryptic and ironic lyrics, the band enjoyed critical and commercial success starting from.

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steely gaze

A prolonged and intense, mirthless look, especially one expressing disapproval or displeasure. The kids began joking about their classmate's situation, but the teacher silenced them with a steely gaze.I could tell by his steely gaze that he was not happy about the news.
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steely look

An intense, mirthless look, especially one expressing disapproval or displeasure. The kids began joking about their classmate's situation, but the teacher silenced them with a steely look.He shot me a steely look when I suggested he sell his grandfather's cottage.


With or having a fierce intensity in one's expression. The teacher fixed a steely-eyed gaze upon me when I started joking around during class.I could feel my ex-girlfriend staring at me, steely-eyed, from across the bar.


Calm and unflappable under pressure. I asked my brother to come to court with me because he is always steely-nerved in stressful situations.Gina needs to be steely-nerved to deal with all that rejection that comes with being an actress.


1. Having a rigidly erect posture, often as a result of feeling angry. Todd stood before me, steely-spined and scowling, arms folded across his chest, and I knew the conversation was over.
2. Determined and resolved. You'll never be able to talk Louise out of this—she's as steely-spined as they come.
3. Calm and unflappable under pressure. I asked my brother to come to court with me because he is always steely-spined in stressful situations.Gina needs to be steely-spined to deal with all the rejection that comes with being an actress.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

steely gaze

Cliché an intense, staring gaze. The principal turned a steely gaze toward the frightened student and suddenly smiled.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Steely Reggae

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