Korg Pcg

Basic Concepts

Jul 24, 2017 A few years ago, Korg released a PCG file for the Korg Krome with the best patches of the Korg Triton. A user on Korg Forums (LorenKronos73) took the time (2 months) to convert all the Krome patches to Kronos. Jack Hotop; one of the key sound designers of Korg replied this to LorenKronos73: Loren:. A Korg File/Folder Set contains the PCG file, which contains the Program and Combi information, one or more KSC files and one folder, which is the same name as the PCG file or one of the KSC files. Inside the folder (called the Multisample Folder) are the KMP files that represent each Multisample and a folder with the same name as the KMP file.

The Korg Document represents a single Korg PCG file and it's dependant files (one or more KSC's) and a like-named sample folder containing Multisample files (.KMP) and sample files (.KSF). It can be an existing PCG, or a new PCG that hasn't been saved to disk yet.

Your experience with Korg Creator™ revolves around creating a new (or opening an existing) Korg file into a Korg Document, editing the objects within that document, then saving the document as a Korg PCG file. This saves all objects, such as Programs and Multisamples, into a single file/folder set.

A Korg File/Folder Set contains the PCG file, which contains the Program and Combi information, one or more KSC files and one folder, which is the same name as the PCG file or one of the KSC files. Inside the folder (called the Multisample Folder) are the KMP files that represent each Multisample and a folder with the same name as the KMP file that stores KSF files, which represent the samples.

Korg multisamples and samples are technically - and actually - mono. However, for the M3 and Kronos, there is the 'faked' concept of a stereo multisample and this is fully reflected in Korg Creator.

What this means is that if there are two KMP files which have the same name except one ends with -L and the other -R, and are correspondent as far as the samples and ranges it supports, are regarded as a stereo multisample and are listed in Korg Creator as such. Within the folder as files, though, they are still saved separately as mono multisamples. Since a primary objective of Korg Creator is to isolate you from the contents of the Multisample Folder, there is no need to worry about this. Korg Creator takes care of all this for you.

Korg Creator is more effective creating new Kronos PCG/KSC/KMP/KSF file sets then taking existing PCG sets and editing those or adding onto them. We recommend, for a far easier Korg Creator experience, to create Kronos banks from scratch, move them to your Kronos's SSD drive, and load them in. Also, add the primary KSC to the KSC Auto-Load list under Global. This way the multisamples are automatically 'loaded' (actually referenced) upon power-on.

However this doesn't mean you can't open existing PCG's and work with them in Korg Creator. It is more reliable, though, to load files that have been created with Korg Creator (or other Chicken System products such as Translator or Constructor). Still, Korg Creator will try to find the multisamples that the PCG Program's Velocity Zones request.

For a complete treatment of this, we highly recommend you read the KSC File Concepts article in this document before you begin using Korg Creator.


KSC files exist for the purpose of listing the available Multisamples in the Multisample Folder. There always will be one KSC file with the same name as the PCG file.


Note: On the Kronos, if the Bank is setup for RAM memory loading, this will be the case as well. However, if it is setup for Virtual Memory (that is, streaming), there will be TWO KSC files, and the Multisample Folder with have “ MS” amended to it’s name. The second KSC file will have that same name.

Korg Pcg

The Korg Document shows you the most important aspects of the Korg files: the Programs, the Oscillator/Zones within each Program, the Multisamples, and the Samples within a Multisample. These are represented in four Lists; the Programs with the Oscillator/Zones, and the Multisamples with the Samples. There is also a Combi List and a Part List, shown in the Combi View.

KorgDownloads | M3 | KORG (USA)

Korg Pcg Format

From there, you are free to add, delete, or edit any of the objects to your needs. For more information on the Korg document (where you'll do the majority of your work), see The Korg Document elsewhere in this document.

Sound Integration Using PCG Tools - YouTube

Each object has an Editor. There is a Program Editor, Oscillator/Zone Editor, Multisample Editor, and Sample Editor, and additionally, a Combi Editor and Part Editor. One editor can be open at a time, and it edits the current selection in the list on the Korg Document. For more information on Editors, please see the Editors section elsewhere in this document.